our gin and tonic celebration is back!

Never Never and StrangeLove are teaming up again for The Great Aussie G&T Off - a one-day-only event at Never Never’s home this Adelaide Cup Long Weekend, Sunday 9th March. 

After last year’s sell-out event, we’ve mixed things up and are bringing you a G&T showdown. Never Never was born and raised in South Australia. We now have team members in most states around the country, so we thought we'd add a bit of state based competition into the event. 

Our brand ambassadors have worked at top bars from around Australia - think Black Pearl, Bulletin Place, Gin Palace, Hains&Co, and Frog’s Hollow. It’s going to be a great day with some seriously wild G&Ts to try, featuring everything from honey & tea inspired to Sydney Harbour-inspired blue curacao G&Ts. Only those with tickets to the event will be able to try these limited edition drinks so make sure you don't miss out!

Tickets are $50pp and include - 

* Access to the G&T lawn

* 3 G&Ts from the event menu

* A StrangeLove + Never Never goody bag ($40 value)

* Exclusive Never Never retail discount

* DJ Tommy Tequila, lawn games, and more!

Spaces are limited, so round up your friends and book today!

Never Never Oyster Shell Gin in bucket of Oysters being carried across lawn.Never Never Oyster Shell Gin in bucket of Oysters being carried across lawn.

NEVER NEVER X strangelove